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Sara is a passionate advocate for natural approaches to health, she shares her tips here.

Optimizing Metabolism & Performance with Nasal Breathing
Most people don’t think about their breath - it just happens. But mindful breathing is something that we can use any time, any where.

5 Foods That Love Your Heart
February is Heart Health Month. Heart disease (heart attacks, heart failure and stroke), is the leading cause of mortality worldwide.. ...

Is COVID a Canary in the Coalmine for Our Health?
5 Tips for Moving our health not to a "new normal," but a "new phenomonal." In the early 1900s, before technology to detect carbon...

5 Foods that Balance Hormones
Stubborn weight gain, puffiness, mood swings, anxiety, sleep issues, bloating, breakouts, PMS?.... It could be that your hormones are out...

10 Tips for Lowering Blood Pressure
According to the new guidelines just released by the American Heart Association (AHA) this month, nearly half of all Americans are now...

15 Tips for Fixing Constipation (Without Miralax!)
This article has been expanded! It is now a 59 page e-book with 20 tips, 17 recipes and links to articles, studies, products, and...

What is "Skinny Starch"?
Have you heard of resistant starch? Resistant starch is sometimes called the "Skinny Starch" because it can improve digestion, stabilize...

Is Your Low Carb Diet Backfiring?
When people want to lose weight - they often cut down on carbs. It can work like a charm - with the pounds melting off (at least...

This Deficiency Can Be Deadly
As someone gets older, they might fall more often, need a cane to walk, or get a little more forgetful. But what if in some cases - those...

20 Reasons to Break up with Sugar
SUGAR. IT IS NO WONDER WE LOVE IT SO…. It’s delicious and sweet, it makes us happy, and gives us a little burst of energy. We celebrate...

Do I Need Supplements?
A very common question that comes up a lot is - "Do I need to take supplements?" Why can't I just get all my nutrients from foods?" I am...

Natural Cold & Flu Prevention Tips
Its that time of year again.... The cold and flu season is looming upon us, and has already started for some. But instead of feeling...

20 Tips for Picky Eaters
If you have a picky eater in your family – you are not alone – most American households have at least one. Picky eating is very common in...

Eat Your Sunscreen!
Foods that boost the SPF of your skin - from the inside out! Eating the right foods can help us improve our skin from the inside out -...
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